So, you have decided to sell your property. Whatever the reason, we want to support you by providing a stress free, seamless sales process and help you achieve the best possible price.

  1. Clean & declutter


    · Wash the exterior of the house, paths, tiles, driveway and clean windows

    · Weed gardens, trim trees, water lawn, fertilise if necessary

    · Make sure your property house number is clearly visible

    · Remove all rubbish, complete any projects or repairs and tidy away children’s toys

    · Tidy the garage / shed, the more clutter, the smaller the space will look


    Make your move easier by beginning the packing process now;

    · Clear out all clutter and remove items you don’t regularly use

    · Consider donating or selling items that you haven’t used for some time

    · Throw away items that are broken or damaged

    · Shred and dispose of paperwork that is no longer needed

    · You could consider a temporary storage facility for bulky pieces of furniture, holiday decor, out of season clothing and any other items you don’t need

    When you clean, pay attention to small details;

    · Wash windows and tracks

    · Dust blinds, check they are working and in reasonable condition

    · Launder curtains

    · Dust skirting boards

    · Clean appliances


  2. Do a thorough inspection… and fix any problems that you find;

    This step will help you avoid any unpleasant surprises during the sale process

    · Inspect your walls and floors for water damage

    · Check for plumbing leaks

    · Make sure your windows don’t have broken seals

    · Check for any signs of insects or rodents

    · Make sure light bulbs are bright and luminous


  3. Furniture

    Open for inspection homes often have multiple parties viewing the property at any one time. A room full of furniture will make a room feel smaller than it actually is. Space furniture out or remove it temporarily. Keep common paths clear of obstacles to allow for good movement flow through the house for potential buyers.


  4. Bedrooms

    Keep soft furnishings neutral and rooms clutter free; this will help the room appear larger and more appealing to a wide range of people.


  5. Pet smells

    Research tells us that one of the biggest factors that impact negatively on a potential buyer are pet smells and mess. Many property owners do work very hard on removing all smells and evidence of pets, however it is difficult to completely eradicate when you are accustomed to the smell on a daily basis. Ask a friend who does not own pets to inspect your property and offer advice.


  6. Window Coverings

    Heavy window coverage can make a room feel dark, cluttered and smaller than it actually is. Getting the balance right between privacy, style, mood and light is important.


  7. Cleanliness

    Many buyers find mess and uncleanliness to be quite off putting. We want to showcase your property so you can achieve the best possible result. If you are time poor, you could ask a cleaner to freshen your property ready for sale.


  8. De-cluttering

    Many people are decluttering, sometimes we can take it too far. You want your property to portray an ideal lifestyle that a buyer would aspire to, and that includes a bit of heart and soul. Keep your dining table presentation simple, your property is the feature, not the tableware.


  9. Selling a house empty

    Empty rooms appear smaller and some people have difficulty visualising furniture in empty spaces. The only thing you want to leave for the buyer to imagine is themselves in the home. Take control over how your property is viewed and perceived and add thought starters to help buyers see themselves there, living the life they want.


  10. Create a welcoming entrance

    Your street front, entrance and front door make up the first impression (and possibly the last) for your potential buyers. Tidy gardens, clean driveway and entrance, paint the door if need be, replace any damaged hardware and declutter the entrance area.

We encourage you to consider what would most likely appeal to the buyer of your property and present your property to attract that buyer. Emotionally detaching from your property before you list is the first step to getting it sold.

Your next property is your new home. Start to transfer your emotional connection.